Energy Management Expert (EGE – UNI CEI 11339:2023)

Energy and energy efficiency issues are gaining increasing importance in the European and international arena. In Italy, Decree 102/2014 ‘Energy Efficiency’ established the obligation of Energy Diagnosis for energy-intensive companies and large corporations, and set challenging targets for Public Administration. This decree requires certified figures, whose requirements are covered by recognised skills.

The EGE manages energy use in a rational manner by combining knowledge in the energy field (including energy diagnostics, energy storage and the environmental effects of energy use) with technical-analytical, management, economic-financial and communication skills, keeping continuously and constantly updated on the evolution of technologies, methodologies and energy-environmental regulations. In this way, the EGE aims to improve the level of energy efficiency and/or to reduce primary energy consumption and climate-altering gas emissions related to energy use, to increase in quality and/or quantity the services provided in any case related to the rational use of energy.
The EGE may be specialised in the civil or industrial sector or both, according to what is detailed in the certification scheme.

Civil Sector EGE
The competences of this specialisation are mainly focused on the energy performance of the civil and tertiary sector and are realised
1) in energy diagnostics with explicit reference to the fields of application of UNI CEI EN 16247, part 2 (buildings);
2) in the management and control of energy systems in relation to homogeneous urban settlements (both civil and industrial) capable of generating, managing or controlling an energy demand;
3) in the management of organisations and/or buildings where energy consumption depends mainly, though not exclusively, on:
    (a) local climatic conditions;
    (b) characteristics of the building envelope;
    (c) internal environmental conditions
    (d) characteristics and settings of the building’s technical systems;
    (e) activities and processes carried out inside the building;
    (f) occupant behaviour and operational management;
4) in the energy management of equipment and systems, even complex ones, that can also be normally used in civil structures;
5) in the energy management of company fleets or transport (as defined by UNI CEI EN 16247-4) if they are connected to the context, civil and tertiary, of the organisation.

EGE Industrial Sector
The competences of this specialisation are mainly focused on process energy performance in the industrial and production sectors and take concrete form
1) in energy diagnostics (with explicit reference to the fields of application of standard UNI CEI EN 16247, part 3 (processes);
2) in the management and control of Energy Systems with regard to organisations, companies, technological ensembles, bodies with the purpose of producing goods and/or services capable of generating, managing or controlling a demand for energy;
3) in the management of organisations where energy consumption depends mainly, though not exclusively, on
    (a) on direct and indirect use by production processes;
    (b) from plant infrastructures and networks including energy production facilities;
    c) from other production processes, also included within civil structures as long as they are prevalent,     by industrial significance relative to the use and consumption of energy;
4) in the management of company fleets or transport (as defined by UNI CEI EN 16247, part 4) if they are connected to the context, industrial and productive, of the organisation.

Access to the certification examination is subject to checking the professional experience and training requirements set out in our certification scheme.
Certification lasts for five years, subject to passing annual maintenance examinations, which are necessary to verify the continuity of professional experience and continuous updating of certified professionals.
The EGE certified by AJA Europe Srl is entered in the AJA Europe Srl and ACCREDIA public registers.