CE Structural Components in Steel and Aluminum UNI EN 1090
Since 01/07/2014, according to Reg. 305: 2011 came into force CE certification for manufacturers of structural components in steel and aluminum.
The reference standard for certification of CE conformity is UNI EN 1090-1: 2012
- UNI EN 1090-2:2024 – Components in steel
- UNI EN 1090-3:2019 – Components in aluminum
What the Company should do
The company must implement a system of Factory Production Control as reported in paragraph 6.3 of the standard UNI EN 1090-1. Mainly Manual, procedures for documents management, design, equipment maintenance, management of non conformities.
In addition:
- Implement the procedure for the management of the welds according to UNI EN ISO 3834
- Define the Execution Class (EXC1 – EXC2 – EXC3 – EXC4)
- Define the type of design (1 – 2 – 3a – 3b)
- Qualify welders according to the standard UNI EN ISO 9606-1
- Qualify welding procedures according to the standard UNI EN ISO 15614
- Appoint the Welding Coordinator weld who must be in possession of requirements according to the standard UNI EN ISO 14731
- Appoint the officers in charge with nondestructive test
What AJA Europe does
AJA Europe Srl is Notified Body no. 2309, notified to issue Certificates of Conformity in accordance with Reg. (EU) No. 305: 2011
AJA Europe Srl provides training courses for Welding Coordinator
- UE Notification