- F-GAS operators
- Professions in OHS sector
- Non-destructive test workers
- Security Professional (UNI 10459 and Decree of the Chief of Police 24/02/2015)
- Energy Management Expert (EGE – UNI CEI 11339:2023)
- Qualification Tests for Welders UNI EN ISO 9606 – “Welder Licence”
- Nathuropatic UNI 11491
- Bionatural Disciplines Operators
- IEC – International Event Certification
Nathuropatic UNI 11491
Naturopathy is a discipline that deals with the treatment and promotion of the state of well-being of the person. The task of the professional Naturopath resides in fact in favoring the individual conditions for the unfolding of the processes of rebalancing the “mind-body” system and stimulating self-healing in it.
Therefore, naturopathy can be generally identified as the general practice of natural health care; it seeks out, identifies and treats the fundamental cause of discomfort, treats the whole person using an individualized approach and teaches the principles of a healthy lifestyle and primary prevention. Naturopathy is part of the set of welfare systems and disciplines, exercised by non-medical practitioners.
The UNI 11491: 2013 standard – Pofessional figure of the Naturopath
To outline the characteristics of the Naturopath, the UNI – Italian Organization for Standardization in 2013 issued, in consultation with the leading experts in the field, the UNI 11491 standard – Professional Figure of the Naturopath, which regulates the skills, knowledge and competence that the Naturopaths should have to exercise their profession.
The profile of the professional Naturopath, as outlined by the standard UNI 11491, is a key figure to contribute to improving the quality of life of people in its entirety, investigates and acts directly on the causes that compromise the natural balance of the individual.
AJA Europe Srl is an ACCREDIA accredited International Certification Body for the certification of Naturopaths according to the UNI 11491:2013 standard, following the ISO 17024 international standard for people certification. The Certificates issued by AJA Europe Srl are therefore fully recognized and are immediately expendable at a professional level.
It is possible to access the certification exam after a check of the requirements of professional experience and training, listed in our product sheet.
The Certification has a five year duration, provided the passing of maintenance inspection on the third year, necessary to verify the continuity of the professional experience and the continuous updating of certified professionals.
The benefits of certification of the Professional Figure of the Naturopath
The independent third party certification is an added value, as it verifies the actual knowledge and competence. Accreditation by ACCREDIA, the only Italian Accreditation Body, is a further guarantee on the qualification of personnel in the services provided.
The Naturopath certified by AJA Europe Srl is included in AJA Europe Srl and ACCREDIA