- F-GAS: companies and individual companies operating in plants containing specific fluorinated greenhouse gases
- Certification of energy services provide by E.S.Co. according to UNI CEI 11352:2014
- ISO 15614 Welding Procedures
- PEFC CoC: Chain of Custody of Forest-Based Products
- Self-declared Environmental Claims according to ISO 14021
- Quality Requirements for Welding: ISO 3834
- Certifications regarding CE marking
- LCA ISO 14040
Quality Requirements for Welding: ISO 3834
The ISO 3834 standard defines the quality requirements for the fusion welding of metallic materials, which take place both in the workshop and on the construction site. The Technical Standards for Construction (Ministerial Decree of 17/01/2018) expressly require certification according to ISO 3834 to be issued by an independent third party for metal workshops that produce metal carpentry for the civil construction industry.
Also, in the field of CE marking of metal structural components, the harmonized standard EN 1090-1 and the technical specification EN 1090-2 require that the manufacturer implement the rules laid out by the ISO 3834 standard, for the applicable 4-3-2 part, based on the Execution Class, which has been identified.