- F-GAS: companies and individual companies operating in plants containing specific fluorinated greenhouse gases
- Certification of energy services provide by E.S.Co. according to UNI CEI 11352:2014
- ISO 15614 Welding Procedures
- PEFC CoC: Chain of Custody of Forest-Based Products
- Self-declared Environmental Claims according to ISO 14021
- Quality Requirements for Welding: ISO 3834
- Certifications regarding CE marking
- LCA ISO 14040
Self-declared Environmental Claims according to ISO 14021
Article 34 of the “Energy and environmental sustainability criteria” Legislative Decree N. 50/2016 introduced the obligation for procuring entities to include, in the contractual and tender documents, at least the technical specifications contained in the Minimum Environmental Criteria (Criteria Ambientale Minima or CAM) adopted by the Ministry for Environment, Land, and Sea Protection.
Regarding construction, the minimum environmental criteria are defined in the Ministerial Decree of 11/10/2017 (CAM construction), which introduced the obligation for manufacturers of construction components to certify the recycled content of their products by preparing a “Self-Declared Environmental Statement” drafted in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 14021:2016 standard verified by a product certification body. This obligation extends to all manufacturers of construction components, such as: pre-packaged cement conglomerate products, cement conglomerate products packaged onsite, prefabricated concrete products, aggregates, bricks and rooftiles (laterizi), wood products, cast iron, iron and steel, plastic materials, partitions and false ceilings, thermal and acoustic insulators. AJA Europe Srl has prepared a product certification scheme through which it verifies the compliance of the “Self-Declared Environmental Claims” to the UNI EN ISO 14021: 2016 standard.