- F-GAS: companies and individual companies operating in plants containing specific fluorinated greenhouse gases
- Certification of energy services provide by E.S.Co. according to UNI CEI 11352:2014
- ISO 15614 Welding Procedures
- PEFC CoC: Chain of Custody of Forest-Based Products
- Self-declared Environmental Claims according to ISO 14021
- Quality Requirements for Welding: ISO 3834
- Certifications regarding CE marking
- LCA ISO 14040
Certification of energy services provide by E.S.Co. according to UNI CEI 11352:2014
The recent commitments undertaken by Italy and the European Union with regards to the reduction of polluting emissions have put energy efficiency at the centre of international politics. Therefore, energy efficiency is not seen as a series of extemporaneous initiatives to be implemented when financial resources are available, but as a holistic approach to the energy system, which we want to make more efficient.
In this context, the Energy Service Companies (E.S.Co.) play a crucial role because they are able to plan and coordinate complex efficiency intiatives, by taking on the investments themselves or through financing institutions. Moreover, through Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contracts guaranteeing the result, E.S.Co. link their revenue to the actual achievement of expected savings. In order to carry out such a complex and central role, the E.S.Co. need to guarantee they comply with internal competency, organizational skills, and company solidity requirements.
These guarantees are also required by the legislator, which in the “Energy Efficiency” Legislative Decree N. 102/2014 requires certification in accordance with the UNI 11352 standard to access the White Certificates system and to proceed with Energy Diagnosis starting from July 2016. The certification in accordance with the UNI 11352 standard can only be issued by ISO/IEC 17065 accredited bodies in accordance with the certification scheme, as prepared by ACCREDIA and approved by MISE-MATTM Directorial Decree of 12/05/2015. As part of this activity, AJA Europe Srl operates as a Certification Body accredited by ACCREDIA for product certification in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065.