- F-GAS: companies and individual companies operating in plants containing specific fluorinated greenhouse gases
- Certification of energy services provide by E.S.Co. according to UNI CEI 11352:2014
- ISO 15614 Welding Procedures
- PEFC CoC: Chain of Custody of Forest-Based Products
- Self-declared Environmental Claims according to ISO 14021
- Quality Requirements for Welding: ISO 3834
- Certifications regarding CE marking
- LCA ISO 14040
F-GAS: companies and individual companies operating in plants containing specific fluorinated greenhouse gases
The fourth evaluation report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to which the European Union belongs, stated that, based on current scientific data, developed countries should reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% compared to 1990 levels by 2050 to limit climate change to a temperature increase of 2° C and thus prevent undesirable climate effects. Europe has issued a series of rules to achieve these objectives. Among these, EU Regulation N. 517/2014, which repealed the previous EC Regulation N. 842 /2006, implemented in Italy with Presidential Decree N. 146/2018, which defines the certification methods of companies that supply the following services:
- Installation, repair, maintenance, assistance, and dismantling services of fixed refrigeration and air conditioning equipment and fixed heat pumps containing fluorinated greenhouse gases in accordance with EU Regulation N. 2015/2067; and
- Installation, maintenance, and repair service of fixed fire-protection systems and fire extinguishers containing specific fluorinated greenhouse gases in accordance with EC Regulation N. 304/2008.
AJA Europe Srl is a body designated by the Ministry for Environment, Land, and Sea Protection. As part of this activity, AJA Europe Srl operates as a Certification Body accredited by ACCREDIA for product certification according to ISO/IEC 17065.