- F-GAS: companies and individual companies operating in plants containing specific fluorinated greenhouse gases
- Certification of energy services provide by E.S.Co. according to UNI CEI 11352:2014
- ISO 15614 Welding Procedures
- PEFC CoC: Chain of Custody of Forest-Based Products
- Self-declared Environmental Claims according to ISO 14021
- Quality Requirements for Welding: ISO 3834
- Certifications regarding CE marking
- LCA ISO 14040
ISO 15614 Welding Procedures
The welding procedures certification consists in verifying the conformity of the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) to the reference standard ISO 15614 by onsite and laboratory examination of welded samples and the methods and equipment used to develop the samples subjected to examination. Based on the Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) certification document issued by AJA Europe Srl, the company will be able to issue its own welding specifications (WPS).
AJA Europe Srl is in possession of ACCREDIA accreditation for the issue of welding procedures certification, for the qualification of welders. AJA Europe Srl is a body notified by the European Commission to provide CE marking, and is therefore able to offer a complete certification service to companies in the industry.
As part of the welding process certification, AJA Europe Srl operates as a certification body accredited by ACCREDIA for product certification according to ISO/IEC 17065.