A Cube TIC Group is an organization present in numerous countries all over the world, which holds numerous accreditations and / or awards through companies related to it.
It operates through a network of local offices subject to management and coordination by the Group itself. The local offices are tasked with the assessment and the ownership of the economic-financial relationships with the client organizations.
The Accreditation Bodies mentioned before are all members of the MLA – International Accreditation Forum (IAF). Participation in the MLA Agreements guarantees the competence and procedural rigor of the signing body, as well as the uniformity of its mode of operation with respect to that of the other signatory entities.
Therefore, the attestations of conformity issued by Subjects accredited by Accreditation Bodies signing the MLA agreements are valid and credible, as they are subject to the control of a competent Accreditation Body, as well as being equivalent to each other , and as such universally accepted and recognized, since issued in a context of homogeneous rules and procedures.
For more information on mutual recognition agreements – MLA, visit the website of the European Cooperation for Accreditation – EA, of the International Accreditation Forum – IAF or Accredia.
There are many reasons to choose the services of an accredited Certification Body, here are listed the main ones:
Minimizing risks
many institutions and government agencies require their suppliers a certification issued by accredited bodies; many tenders were lost because it was found that the ISO certifications were not accredited.
Saving money
by contacting an accredited body, you are applying to an entity that ensures you appropriate skills and high technical expertise, which includes your production sector and can perform accurate certification audits, identifying valuable opportunities for the improvement.
Improving reputation
accredited certification is a strong message proving that you are reliable in the market in which you operate and that you will not compromise the integrity of your organization during the certification process.
International recognition
Within the recognition area of the Multilateral Agreement, international markets will immediately accept your organization.
Accredited offices and accreditations of the A Cube TIC group
A Cube TIC Limited trading as A Cube and ACT
United Kingdom

Accredited UKAS 0273 (United Kingdom Accreditation Services)
Standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 13485, ISO 45001, ISO 50001

Accredited UAF CB-MS-5815 (united Accreditation Foundation)
Standard ISO 27001

Corporate Membership(s)

Accredited EFfCI – European Federation for Cosmetics Ingredients
EFfCI is the European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients, a trade association that brings together European manufacturers of synthetic and natural ingredients for the cosmetics and personal care industry.

Accredited EXCiPACT – International Pharmaceutical Excipients Certification
EXCiPACT asbl is a non-profit organisation that owns and manages oversight of such an independent, high quality, third party Certification Scheme available to pharmaceutical excipient manufacturers and distributors worldwide.

Accredited OCS – Operation Clean Sweep®
A Cube TIC Limited has been approved as an Official Operation Clean Sweep’s Certification body by the Supervisory Board of the OCS Certification Scheme.

Customer Service Transparency Standard (CSTS)
The CSTS programme is for organisations that are committed to the highest levels of customer service quality, fair business practices and recognise the role of transparency. The scheme is developed by “A Cube TIC limited, OnAirCommerce & Icompliance”.
AJA Europe Srl

Accredited ACCREDIA
Cert. Nr. 0176PRD Accreditation Scheme: PRD – (Product) – Rule: UNI EN ISO 17065:2012
Cert. Nr. 0087PRS Accreditation Scheme: PRS – (People) – Rule: UNI EN ISO 17024:2012
Cert. Nr. 0160MS Accreditation Scheme: MS (Management Systems) – Rule: UNI EN ISO 17021:2015 – Standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001
- Certificate Validation & Information for a specific certified client
- Certification Process
- Complain and appeal
- Codes of practice
- Use of accreditation mark
- Impartiality policy statement
- Privacy Notice
Cert. Nr. 0553ISP Accreditation Scheme: ISP (ispections) – Rule: UNI EN ISO 17020:2012 Inspection of Type A

Notified by the European Commission with No. 2309
For the activities of assessment and verification of the constancy of the performance of construction products in accordance with EU Regulation No. 305/2011.
A-Europe Certification Pte Ltd

Accredited SAC (Singapore Accreditation Council)
Standards: GDPMDS (Good distribution practice for medical devices), ISO 9001, ISO 45001

Accredited GNI – Global Network Initiative
GNI Participants commit to implementing the organization’s Principles on Freedom of Expression and Privacy (“the GNI Principles”), which provide direction and guidance to the ICT industry and its stakeholders in protecting and advancing the enjoyment of these human rights globally.